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Yak Tribe Tournament FAQ & TIPS

  • Block party/weigh-in address: 5619 70th ave n Pinellas Park 33781

  • Tournament launch time: 6AM (Weather permitting. Keep a lookout on your email and Fishing Chaos App.)

frequently asked questions & Tips

What are the rules?

You can view all of our rules here: 

Any extra tips for taking photos?

Take multiple pictures. Always. Better safe than sorry. If you feel you over-pinched a tail and a tournament director calls you, it’s always best practice to have a backup photo just in case.

Do NOT submit fish to your catch log!

In the Fishing Chaos app you will see on the left hand side a menu item labeled “Fish Log.” This is NOT where you submit your fish. 

On the day of the tournament, you will go into your dashboard and click into the tournament you are fishing for the day and submit all photos there. You will see what fish have been approved and denied throughout the day. 

Do I have to wait until my launch photo is approved to start fishing?

Absolutely not! Go fish! Just be sure you have the right items in your photo and that your photo was not taken before the launch time. We are able to see the time stamp of your photo. 

Further clarification:

In an effort to prohibit people from launching early, the first photo you submit in the fishing chaos app the morning of the tournament will be a photo of your kayak, your PFD / Life Jacket, and your identifier with the code written on it. All 3 items must be in the photo. The timestamp on the photo will automatically be marked when submitted on the app. If you fail to have your kayak, PFD, and your identifier in the photo at the launch – your photo will be denied/rejected and you will have to return back to the launch to take an updated photo. All fish caught and submitted prior to an approved launch photo will be disqualified.

Pro tip: After the code is released the morning of the tournament and you take your launch photo and submit it – you do not have to stay and wait until your launch photo is approved if you are confident that you properly took the launch photo. We will call you if there is an issue.

Do I have to come to the meetup at 2PM?

Short answer: No. 

Coming out to the party at 2PM really does help the Tribe. It’s a time to connect and win free prizes, but it’s also an opportunity for us to engage with the community, make content & memories, and show our partners we are worth supporting. We do not push sponsorships down your throat – that’s never been our style. 

We don’t charge for raffles. Come on out and win some free stuff! Bring the family. Our family will be there. 

Yak Tribe does not profit off of these tournaments. This is a service to the kayak fishing community that we are grateful to be part of. Thank you for your support! 

What type of measuring device can I use?

You must use a measuring board long enough to measure your fish without adding on any additional measuring devices. Our biggest slot fish in this tournament is 27 inches. We recommend using a board at least 27 inches long. You may not use rulers, tape measures, or any other type of measuring devices to extend the length of your board if your board is too short.

If you have questions about your measuring device, please contact us before the tournament begins. 

Here is one of our favorite boards:

When will i receive my identifier code?

Your identifier code will be emailed to you the morning of the tournament. Unlike our old Yak Tribe tournaments, we will not be providing a physical tournament ID coin for you. You will be responsible for writing the code on something as mentioned in the rules. You can always download and print our identifier that we provide located on the the tournament registration page

Where can I find the tournament boundaries?

You can find the boundaries on the tournament registration page. If you have any questions about your specific launch point, please contact us before the start of the tournament.

How do I submit my catches?

The morning of the tournament you will see a “SUBMIT CATCH” button pop up on your Fishing Chaos app. You must submit your fish through the Fishing Chaos app. Photos sent in any other way will not be accepted.

Note: Trash fish should NOT be submitted through the Fishing Chaos app. Those should be brought to the weigh-in. 

Any tips for submitting my fish?

Of course! 

  • Remember, if the tail of your fish goes over the upper-slot limit, it will be denied. Example: If you catch a trout that measures just over 19 inches but doesn’t quite touch the 19.25 inch mark, it will be denied. It must be perfectly touching (and not passing) or shorter than the upper slot hash mark. 

  • Take multiple pictures of the same fish for backup. I have personally fished tournaments where my fish started flopping around the board and I took a bad photo not realizing half of my identifier was cut out of the photo. Luckily, I got the fish re-straightened out and took extra photos and turned them in. 

  • Remember to not fully cover any part of the fish.

  • Do not have anything in it’s mouth. Please refer to the example photo in the rules. Yes, there is a chance that your fish flops off of the measuring board. It happens! If you leave anything in them mouth of your fish, you will be deducted 1 inch. 

  • Remember, do not pinch your tails and do not overly fan out your tails. Please see rules. Your fish will lose an inch off of the total length. 

  • Further clarification: If you leave anything in the mouth of the fish such as a lure, or fish grips, or hook – you will have 1 inch automatically deducted. We will not DQ the fish completely. If you overly pinch the tail of your fish to gain length or overly fan the fish tail to shorten the fish – you will have 1 inch automatically deducted. We will not DQ the fish completely.

  • Make sure you are using an actual bump board. Not a flimsy measuring stick, a tape measure, or any sort of sticker type measuring device. Please see our rules and regulations for further info. 
Do I have to fish for trash fish?
  • You DO NOT have to harvest or turn in trash fish to win this tournament.

  • You must be in line and at the Yak Tribe Kayak Shop by 2:30 with your trash fish to weigh-in if you are weighing in any trash fish.
  • This is a hybrid tournament. 3 of your fish will be submitted through the Fishing Chaos app and 2 of your trash fish will be weighed live at the Yak Tribe Kayak Shop.

  • Accepted trash fish species: Ladyfish and all species of salt water cat fish.

  • You are able to harvest 2 trash fish and bring them to the live weigh-in at the Yak Tribe Kayak Shop at 2pm. Any saltwater species of catfish and ladyfish will be accepted. You may weigh-in 2 catfish or 2 lady fish or 1 of each. Any combination will be accepted.


What time will the leaderboard be turned off?

The live leaderboard will be turned off between 9am and 10am. 

Winners will be announced at the 2PM party. Even if you didn’t catch, come on out! Plenty of free prizes to win. You never know, you might have small numbers to turn in but it’s anyones game! 

Coming out to the party at 2PM really does help the Tribe. It’s a time to connect and win free prizes, but it’s also an opportunity for us to engage with the community, make content & memories, and show our partners we are worth supporting. We do not push sponsorships down your throat, that’s never been our style. 

Yak Tribe does not profit off of these tournaments. This is a service to the kayak fishing community that we are grateful to be part of. Thank you for your support! 

Can I get a refund if I don’t show up to the tournament?

Once you sign-up, we do not offer refunds if you cannot make or attend the event. Your sign-up fee continues to go straight to the payout pot.